USA Compression Partners LP (USAC) Insider Transactions

25.16 ↑0.88 (3.62%)
As of December 31, 1969, 7:00pm EST.

Insider Transactions

Transaction DateOwnerRoleActionPriceTotalShares RemainingPrice SinceSource
2021-01-15James ConcannonDirectorBought 5 Shares$1.1$602,187.27%Link
2021-01-15Jeffrey BrownVPBought 15 Shares$1.1$1702,187.27%Link
2021-01-15Jack H BrierCEOBought 32 Shares$1.1$3502,187.27%Link
2020-12-18Eric D. LongInsiderSold 2 Shares$13.05$26092.80%Link


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$USAC what time we going green?

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$USAC this is just going to go up forever

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