Unisys Corporation (UIS) Insider Transactions

5.16 ↓0.20 (-3.73%)
As of August 30, 2024, 3:59pm EST.

Insider Transactions

Transaction DateOwnerRoleActionPriceTotalShares RemainingPrice SinceSource
2021-06-07Eric HuttoCOOSold 12 Shares$27.55$331177-81.27%Link
2021-06-07Gerald P KenneySVPSold 12 Shares$27.72$33395-81.39%Link
2021-05-04Gerald P KenneySVPSold 10 Shares$23.79$23880-78.31%Link
2021-02-26Michael M ThomsonCFOSold 4 Shares$24.66$9938-79.08%Link


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$UIS lfg!!! So much movement ! Buy n hodl!

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$UIS Was last two days consolidation??

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