LanzaTech Global Inc. (LNZA) Ownership

1.36 ↓0.13 (-8.72%)
As of August 30, 2024, 3:59pm EST.

Institutional Ownership

There are no institutional owners of LanzaTech Global Inc. (LNZA).

Institution Ownership Chart

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Latest Institutional Ownership Changes

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Top Institutions

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Mutual Fund Ownership

There are no mutual funds owners of LanzaTech Global Inc. (LNZA).

Mutual Funds Chart

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Latest Mutual Fund Ownership Changes

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Top Mutual Funds

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$LNZA come on bulls we can do it
don’t let bears win

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$LNZA The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself or another person

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$LNZA wow
looking like it’s going to be a monster day!

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