Jumei Intl Hldg Ltd (JMEI) Insider Transactions
Insider Transactions
There are no insider transactions for Jumei Intl Hldg Ltd (JMEI).
This usually means:
- This stock is no longer listed.
- This stock doesn't have any insiders.
Or we're still processing the stock data for JMEI.
$JMEI I don't know shit
but I know I'm holdin till I at least triple up
$JMEI nothing drops
$JMEI my hands are made out of diamonds
$JMEI News Plz.....
$JMEI futs ripping
$JMEI do what the markets tells you to do not the other way around
$JMEI longer we hold
more pressure on the shorts
$JMEI looks like a loading
$JMEI bought more
$JMEI buying!