Two Roads Shared Trust - LeaderShares Equity Skew ETF (SQEW) Options
34.38 ↑0.25 (0.74%)
As of December 31, 1969, 7:00pm EST.
SQEW Max Pain
No options data found for SQEW
SQEW Max Pain Distribution Chart
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Option Chain
The option chain for Two Roads Shared Trust - LeaderShares Equity Skew ETF on December 31st.
No option chain data found for SQEW
$SQEW recovery hasn’t even started yet.. imo
$SQEW i'm out of slaps for the day
$SQEW Lol she wants higher
$SQEW more calls coming in
$SQEW shorters eat my shit
and buying more when I can.
$SQEW Bearish..
$SQEW bought more
and buying more when I can.
$SQEW Who’s still buying calls?