Houston Wire & Cable Company (HWCC) Ownership

Institutional Ownership

Nierenberg Investment Management Co is the biggest individual institutional holder of Houston Wire & Cable Company (HWCC), owning a total of 2 million shares. Combined, the top 20 institutional holders of HWCC own 53.07% of the company with a total of 9 million shares.

In the latest ownership report on March 31st 2021, the top 20 institutional holders decreased their combined ownership of HWCC by 781 thousand shares. 8 institutions bought 494,278 total additional shares and increased their ownership by an average of 7.95%. However 10 institutions sold 1,275,022 total shares and decreased their ownership by an average of 21.75%.

Overall this is a negative sign as the number of shares owned by the top 20 institutional holders of Houston Wire & Cable Company decreased by a net total of -780,744 in the latest quarter.

Institution Ownership Chart

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Latest Institutional Ownership Changes

OwnerPercent OwnedPercent ChangeShares OwnedShare ChangeDate Reported
Nierenberg Investment Management Co12.103%0.000%2,043,35802021-03-31
FMR Inc9.451%-0.194%1,595,521-3,1002021-03-31
Royce & Associates, LP6.094%-14.891%1,028,781-180,0002021-03-31
Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc.5.254%-4.233%887,079-39,2122021-03-31
Vanguard Group Inc4.178%0.000%705,32802021-03-31
BlackRock Inc2.815%1.264%475,1775,9322021-03-31
Renaissance Technologies Corp2.560%9.695%432,20038,2002021-03-31
Invenomic Capital Management, LP2.420%1.932%408,4737,7402021-03-31
Ancora Advisors LLC1.936%8.786%326,78226,3932021-03-31
Gabelli Funds LLC1.282%0.000%216,483216,4832021-03-31
Essex Investment Management Company, LLC0.912%41.956%153,94645,5002021-03-31
Raymond James & Associates0.828%-21.090%139,803-37,3642021-03-31
22NW, LP0.743%-87.586%125,438-885,0542021-03-31
Gabelli Securities Inc0.684%0.000%115,500115,5002021-03-31
Bank of New York Mellon Corp0.453%-1.704%76,399-1,3242021-03-31
Mellon Investments Corporation0.376%-0.002%63,510-12021-03-31
California Public Employees Retrmnt Sys0.311%-6.011%52,540-3,3602021-03-31
Susquehanna International Group, LLP0.228%0.000%38,53038,5302021-03-31
Northern Trust Corp0.222%-5.081%37,491-2,0072021-03-31
Bridgeway Capital Management, LLC0.222%-76.752%37,439-123,6002021-03-31

Top Institutions

OwnerPercent OwnedPercent ChangeShares OwnedShare ChangeDate Reported
Nierenberg Investment Management Co12.103%0.000%2,043,35802021-03-31
FMR Inc9.451%-0.194%1,595,521-3,1002021-03-31
Royce & Associates, LP6.094%-14.891%1,028,781-180,0002021-03-31
Dimensional Fund Advisors, Inc.5.254%-4.233%887,079-39,2122021-03-31
Vanguard Group Inc4.178%0.000%705,32802021-03-31
BlackRock Inc2.815%1.264%475,1775,9322021-03-31
Renaissance Technologies Corp2.560%9.695%432,20038,2002021-03-31
Invenomic Capital Management, LP2.420%1.932%408,4737,7402021-03-31
Ancora Advisors LLC1.936%8.786%326,78226,3932021-03-31
Gabelli Funds LLC1.282%0.000%216,483216,4832021-03-31
Essex Investment Management Company, LLC0.912%41.956%153,94645,5002021-03-31
Raymond James & Associates0.828%-21.090%139,803-37,3642021-03-31
22NW, LP0.743%-87.586%125,438-885,0542021-03-31
Gabelli Securities Inc0.684%0.000%115,500115,5002021-03-31
Bank of New York Mellon Corp0.453%-1.704%76,399-1,3242021-03-31
Mellon Investments Corporation0.376%-0.002%63,510-12021-03-31
California Public Employees Retrmnt Sys0.311%-6.011%52,540-3,3602021-03-31
Susquehanna International Group, LLP0.228%0.000%38,53038,5302021-03-31
Northern Trust Corp0.222%-5.081%37,491-2,0072021-03-31
Bridgeway Capital Management, LLC0.222%-76.752%37,439-123,6002021-03-31

Mutual Fund Ownership

Fidelity® Series Intrinsic Opps is the biggest individual fund holder of Houston Wire & Cable Company (HWCC), owning a total of 1.3 million shares. Combined, the top 20 mutual fund holders of HWCC own 16.44% of the company with a total of 2.8 million shares.

In the latest ownership report on May 31st 2021, the top 20 fund holders increased their combined ownership of HWCC by 8 thousand shares. 1 funds bought 15,814 total additional shares and increased their ownership by an average of 19.77%. However 1 funds sold 8,259 total shares and decreased their ownership by an average of 26.93%.

Overall this is a positive sign as the number of shares owned by the top 20 mutual funds holding Houston Wire & Cable Company increased by a net total of 7,555 in the latest report.

Mutual Funds Chart

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Latest Mutual Fund Ownership Changes

OwnerPercent OwnedPercent ChangeShares OwnedShare ChangeDate Reported
DFA US Small Cap I1.558%0.000%263,07802021-05-31
DFA US Small Cap Value I1.226%0.000%206,89002021-05-31
Fidelity® Extended Market Index0.571%0.000%96,34402021-05-31
1290 VT GAMCO Mergers & Acquisitions IB0.568%19.768%95,81415,8142021-05-31
DFA US Targeted Value I0.346%0.000%58,40802021-05-31
DFA US Core Equity 2 I0.272%0.000%45,89102021-05-31
DFA US Micro Cap I0.245%0.000%41,39602021-05-31
DFA US Core Equity 1 I0.157%0.000%26,48402021-05-31
Fidelity® Series Total Market Index0.133%-26.928%22,412-8,2592021-05-31
Dimensional Global Targeted Value A $0.098%0.000%16,58602021-05-31
DFA US Vector Equity I0.083%0.000%14,05902021-05-31
Fidelity® Total Market Index0.075%0.000%12,68602021-05-31

Top Mutual Funds

OwnerPercent OwnedPercent ChangeShares OwnedShare ChangeDate Reported
Fidelity® Series Intrinsic Opps7.988%0.000%1,348,50002021-01-31
DFA US Small Cap I1.558%0.000%263,07802021-05-31
DFA US Small Cap Value I1.226%0.000%206,89002021-05-31
Fidelity® Low-Priced Stock1.183%101.539%199,788100,6572021-01-31
Invenomic Institutional1.091%-52.601%184,243-204,4652021-04-30
Fidelity® Extended Market Index0.571%0.000%96,34402021-05-31
1290 VT GAMCO Mergers & Acquisitions IB0.568%19.768%95,81415,8142021-05-31
DFA US Targeted Value I0.346%0.000%58,40802021-05-31
Gabelli ABC AAA0.296%0.000%50,00050,0002021-03-31
DFA US Core Equity 2 I0.272%0.000%45,89102021-05-31
DFA US Micro Cap I0.245%0.000%41,39602021-05-31
VALIC Company I Small Cap0.206%0.000%34,73902021-03-31
Fidelity LowPriced Stock Commingled Pl20.164%-9.055%27,692-2,7572021-03-31
DFA US Core Equity 1 I0.157%0.000%26,48402021-05-31
Fidelity® Series Total Market Index0.133%-26.928%22,412-8,2592021-05-31
Dimensional Global Targeted Value A $0.098%0.000%16,58602021-05-31
Fidelity® Low-Priced Stock K60.094%139.563%15,7929,2002021-01-31
Gabelli Global Mini Mites I0.089%0.000%15,00015,0002021-03-31
DFA US Vector Equity I0.083%0.000%14,05902021-05-31
Fidelity® Total Market Index0.075%0.000%12,68602021-05-31


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$HWCC buy and hodl friends. we may be early
but we are not wrong. very soon.

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