Weatherford International plc (WFTIQ) Insider Transactions
Insider Transactions
There are no insider transactions for Weatherford International plc (WFTIQ).
This usually means:
- This stock is no longer listed.
- This stock doesn't have any insiders.
Or we're still processing the stock data for WFTIQ.
$WFTIQ the price is wrong
$WFTIQ Ahhhhhhh payday tomorrow. Know what I’m doing with some spare
$WFTIQ lol who sold
$WFTIQ is the dump over
$WFTIQ I already know
tomorrow the bulls going to say "next week" just like every week.
$WFTIQ good support.....
$WFTIQ Games being played here.
$WFTIQ wow. The volume is so low today. Unreal
$WFTIQ whelp. you win this round. goodluck