BioSpecifics Technologies Corp (BSTC) Insider Transactions
Insider Transactions
There are no insider transactions for BioSpecifics Technologies Corp (BSTC).
This usually means:
- This stock is no longer listed.
- This stock doesn't have any insiders.
Or we're still processing the stock data for BSTC.
$BSTC bull trap confirmed
$BSTC Waiting waiting waiting — you know for what !!! Announcement!!!
$BSTC C'mon
do a spike!!
$BSTC I bought the dip
$BSTC bear trap
$BSTC If options never existed
what do you think this stock would be trading at?
$BSTC who else excited??
$BSTC lets go!!
$BSTC News?
$BSTC I like the stock!